Alarasheed Blog · February 17, 2024 0

Installing vSphere Replication v8.8.0.3

The purpose of this blog post is to provide the guidance and the steps needed to install and configure vSphere Replication v8.8.0.3. Release notes can be found here.

** This guides applies to my personal home lab environment so please proceed with caution and take the appropriate steps including documentation to ensure you have a successful backup. **

  • In order to begin, the vSphere Replication Appliance must be downloaded from the VMware Customer Connect Portal in order to obtain the latest ISO. At the time of this post, v8.8.0.3 was available.
VMware Customer Connect Portal
  • Once the ISO has been successfully downloaded, you’ll need to mount it to CD/DVD.
  • Log into your vCenter Server instance
  • Select your preferred Host or Cluster where you’d like to deploy the vSphere Replication Appliance
  • Once you’ve decided either the Host or Cluster, right-click and then select Deploy OVF Template
Deploy OVF Template
  • Select the Local File option, followed by Upload Files
  • Select the vSphere Replication Appliance files (see image below for the list of highlighted files) from the mounted ISO, followed by Next
  • Provide a Virtual Machine Name for vSphere Replication Appliance, followed by Next
Virtual Machine Name
  • Select a compatible Compute Resource, followed by Next
Compute Resource
  • Review the details to ensure your selections are valid, followed by Next
Review Details
  • Accept the License Agreement, followed by Next
License Agreement
  • Select your preferred Storage, following by Next
  • Select your preferred Network, followed by Next
  • Assigned your preferred Password and configure any custom network settings, following by Next
Customize Template
  • Review all the selections you’ve previously made and then select Finish when ready to proceed
Ready To Complete
  • You can track the progress of the deployment under Recent Tasks in vSphere

This concludes this blog post. If I have missed anything or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

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