Deluge with GlueTUN VPN in ‘Container Manager’ on a Synology NAS – DSM 7.2
Deluge is a lightweight torrent downloader, it has a number of built-in plugins to help organise your downloads and a full web interface, GlueTUN is the Docker container that has pre-configured VPN connections for numerous VPN providers. Before you start check the GlueTUN Wiki to see if your provider is on the supported list on the right-hand side. In this guide I will take you through the steps...
DSM7.2 and Container Manager Updates
Over the next couple of weeks I will be updating all the guides across the site for the latest version of DSM and the brand new Container Manager. Due to the large number of changes in both the UI and the great addition of Projects (Docker Compose) to the UI this will make using Docker easier. I will be publishing the updates in the order of popularity, once updates are completed new guides will...
Updating Containers in Container Manager
The new Container Manager makes updating container images super easy, it can all be done via the UI and no need to SSH into your NAS for updating Docker Compose projects! Head over to the Image tab in Container Manager, in the list of images you will see updates next to the ‘Tag’ field. You will only be notified of updates for images that you have selected a general tag, such as Latest or Nightly...
How to Install Activepieces on Your Synology NAS
Synology: DSM 7.2-64551 Release Candidate Is Out
Synology: Set Up Email Notifications on SolidInvoice
How to Install FileGator on Your Synology NAS
qBittorrent with GlueTUN VPN in ‘Container Manager’ on a Synology NAS – DSM 7.2 Beta
Please note this guide is based on DSM7.2 BETA – The UI may change during the beta and I will update as we go. qBittorrent is a torrent downloader and GlueTUN is the Docker container that has pre-configured VPN connections for numerous VPN providers. Before you start check the GlueTUN Wiki to see if your provider is on the supported list on the right-hand side. In this guide I will take you...
How To: Setup Synology NFS for Proxmox Backup Server Datastore
This post covers deploying a Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) and using a Synology NAS NFS mount as a datastore for backups. And optionally you can run the PBS server as a VM on your Synology NAS as well. Why would you want to use Proxmox Backup Server? Here are a few reasons: Built-in data deduplication. I’m getting nearly 20:1 Verification jobs to ensure the backup is not corrupted Ability to protect a specific backup for a VM/LXC to retain for long term storage Easier to browse and find all restore points for an object Optional backup encryption Tape backup support...