Minio allows you to use your Synology NAS as an S3 bucket. In this tutorial we are going to go over how to install Minio on Synology NAS using Docker
Step 1: Install Docker / Container Manager
We are going to use the Minio Docker container in this tutorial. So you need to install either docker (DSM 7.1 and before) or container manager (DSM 7.2 and later) through the package center

Step 2: Download the minio container under Registry
We are going to be using the stock minio container. Simply search for it and download it. (link to container on docker hub)

Step 3: Deploy the minio image
Deploy the image by giving it a name and selecting auto restart

The container we will use needs both ports 9000 and 9090 (TCP)

Create a folder in the /docker
shared folder, or your own /minio
shared folder and mount that under volume settings as /data

Environment Variables:
Minio will repopulate a ton of environmental variables. Delete all of them.

Replace them with two variables
Variable | Value |
MINIO_ROOT_USER | (Create a root user here) |
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD | (super secure password ) |
NOTE: The password and username will be logged, you should generate a long random string for this (further reading)

Execution Command:
This is the really important thing that many people miss. You have to have the execution command in here to actually get it to run the minio server. Otherwise the container just exists
Set the execution command to:
minio server /data --console-address ":9090"

That was all of the required settings. Your ‘review’ page should look like this:

Step 4: Connect to the minio docker container web interface
After hitting done on the container, it should automatically start. Give it some time for the first setup then go to http://<your NAS IP>:9090
in your web browser and use the root username and password you setup in the last step.

And now you are done! You can start adding additional users, and deploying S3 complaint storage buckets!