Alarasheed Blog · July 17, 2023 0

How to install and configure VMware ESXi 8.0 (update 1a) build 21813344

So I decided to start fresh and install VMware ESXi 8.0 (update 1a) build 21813344 from scratch! Release notes for VMware ESXi 8.0 (update 1a) build 21813344 can be found here.

** Please keep in mind, this guides applies to my personal home lab environment so please proceed with caution and take the appropriate steps including documentation to ensure you have a successful backup. **

I downloaded the VMware vSphere Hypervisor 8 image here, and then used Rufus to convert the installer. You can learn more about this process here. Next, I rebooted my server via my IDRAC interface and hit F11 on my keyboard to enter the BIOS Boot Manager:

At the Dell Boot Manager window, I selected BIOS Boot Menu and then my thumb drive which includes the ISO:

Select the installer from the list of options provided below to proceed:

Since my Dell PowerEdge 720XD is not listed on VMware’s HCL for v8, I selected Enter to proceed, followed by F11 to accept the License Agreement:

When prompted, I selected the desired disk to install to:

Unlike in a previous post, I decided to select the last option from the list of choices to choose from:

Select your desired keyboard layout and provide a new password for the Root account:

I selected Enter to proceed past the CPU warning and then Enter again to force the installation:

And one final confirmation to proceed with the partitioning of the disk:

The installation process begins:

And a few minutes later, the installation is just about complete:

Select F2 to customize the system and enter your Root password to proceed:

Select Configure Management Network followed by IPv4 Configuration and DNS Configuration to set the static network properties for the host:

Next, I’ll need to apply the license key for v8 via my VMware vExpert account:

It’s always a good practice to edit the NTP settings and as a reminder, the NTP Service does not start automatically be default:

Since this host is brand new, there are no virtual machines but more to come of this in future blog posts:

Under Storage, the space has already been provisioned and the name can be renamed if you’d like:

Under Networking, you have the option to create addition port groups:

If I have missed anything or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

If you’re interested in anything related to VMware on my blog, please click on this link.

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