Alarasheed Blog · July 18, 2023 0

How to install the Runecast Analyzer on VMware vSphere8

The purpose of this blog post is to provide the guidance and the steps needed to configure the Runecast Analyzer on vSphere 8. The Runecast OVA can be found and downloaded from the Runecast site.

Once the Runecast OVA was downloaded to my local machine, I created a new VM using the deploy an OVF option:

Select the desired datastore, followed by accepting the license agreement:

Select the VM Network, appropriate deployment type\size and the preferred disk provisioning option:

Assign the preferred network settings:

Select Finish to proceed with the configuration:

Monitor the progress under Recent Tasks:

The Console Interface is up and running:

Using a web browser, navigate to the IP address assigned to this VM. This will redirect you to the VM management, where you can change your TCP/IP settings, NTP, and Update. Select F1 to access this interface. The username is rcadmin and the password is admin. This can be changed after you login in:

The default username is rcuser and its password is Runecast! You can change them after logging in:

For the purpose of this guide, I selected vCenter and then Continue.Next, enter your vCenter FQDN or IP with your vCenter username and password. Select the appropriate Security Profile(s). For this purpose of this guide, I selected VMware SCG. Click Continue to proceed:

Select your preferred schedule for the Analysis to be run, followed by Analyze Now:

The Runecast Analyzer begins to scan my vSphere environment for any issues:

This concludes this blog post. In future Runecast blog posts, I will document the process to remediate the issues that are discovered by the Runecast Analyzer in future scans.

If I have missed anything or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

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