Thank you Veeam, the Veeam Vanguard Program, Rick Vanover, Nikola Pejková, Madalina Cristil, Safiya Mohamed, and fellow 2024 Veeam Vanguards for allowing me to be a part of your community for the sixth year in a row. Time is just a blur these days, but I’m forever thankful for this opportunity.

As a member of this wonderful program, the following benefits are provided to each of the members:
- Access to Veeam Product teams
- A forum to provide feedback and perspective
- Sharing of unique perspectives in the industry and exclusive networking opportunities
- NFR licenses for all Veeam products.
- Access to pre-releases and betas.
- Exclusive access to Veeam Forums and Support.
- Exclusive access to Veeam events like VeeamON.
If you’re interested in pursuing a Veeam Certification, additional information about the training can be found here. Also and don’t forget, Veeam also offers the Veeam Legends Program and more information about it can be found here.
I also look forward to seeing you and many others at VeeamON 2024 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in June!!
Interested in learning more about my experience with Veeam and the program, you can find my related content here.